Earn an income as a business plan writer
Work from home
Be your own boss
Have the backing of an existing network of professionals
Use 35 years of collected knowhow
Receive solid leads in your region
All yesses? Then, read on...
PlanMagic receives requests on a daily basis from around the world, and we cannot possibly handle all those requests, and we cannot be everywhere. So we want to work together with professionals in as many locations and areas of expertise as possible. We are more than willing to share the work and the rewards.
Do you have what it takes to become a business plan writer?
We don't really care about diplomas. What we do care about is:
If you think you have what it takes and you can do what is needed and do it well, join PlanMagic and become a business plan writer in your region.
It works in two ways:
You can bill your client as you prefer and pay us per hour for any assistance provided by us.
We keep 30% of the total amount charged to the customer for the business plan.
In both cases, the only requirement we have is that you obtain a license from us for the business plan software you will use.