Are you one of those business owners that only look at the numbers that you receive once a year when your accountant does your annual tax return? What do you do if they are bad? Quickly try to take some drastic actions?
Our financial models help you to visualize your current financial position and predict future financial performance. You should be using PlanMagic's unique professional financial models at all times. They are made for all your financial planning and monitoring needs. Reduce the risk of how certain courses of action can affect your financial situation. Don't take action without knowing the outcome of such action. Make time to use modelling when you're about to make a big decision!
Our financial models are unique and you don't need to install anything. Just download the financial model file, open it with MS Excel and enter your registered email address and license ID to unlock the workbook.
Our selection process, our extensive research and judging process is driven by merit meaning that awardees must demonstrate expertise within a given field, dedication to customers service and commitment to excellence and innovation. Research was centered around an in-depth evaluation of skills and services on offer and the wider market reputation of each nominee was also taken into consideration.
A simple follow the menu, tabs and previous/next button navigation to enter your data with ease. You don't have to learn Excel (only File > Save or Save As). Once you enter your data in the worksheets that need your input, you'll see the rest of the worksheets filled with the results thanks to the automatic sequential calculations. You will have automatic ratios, a vast selection of automated charts and so much more. Our financial engine is the first and still the only financial model with this much automation.
They all include our incredible personnel wizard as well to easily add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered and again all related worksheets are automatically adjusted to the rows you add or remove in the Personnel worksheet.
And, as you may expect, all financial models include: automatic calculation of depreciation, loan payments, accounts receivable/payable, inventory, COGS, product details, dividends, company tax, sales tax (US and Non-US), sensitivity analysis, what/if analysis, all important ratios, all necessary charts, variable ROA/ROE analysis, dashboard and a whole lot more.
Depending on the business type, the sales estimation is done in a wide variety of ways. F.e. a restaurant (weekly averages based on # of covers, or monthly), or a hotel/resort (low-, mid-, and high-season, multiple rates, occupancy rates, and much more), or a construction business (unique and recurring projects). They each need revenue details in a different manner to come to close to reality sales estimates. Hence our array of different financial models.
All financial models include our unique product line and number of products wizard (up to 10 product lines (or market areas) with unlimited number of products per product line). You can add/edit/remove product lines and products easily and it is generated accordingly throughout all the related worksheets!
Perfected for monitoring
your financial situation
throughout the year!
Fully automated products c.q. services financial model. Great for manufacturers, retailers, distributors, consultants, and a wide variety of businesses. The model includes state-of-the-art financial analysis and all important ratios. Our unique product line and number of products wizard (up to 10 product lines (or market areas) with unlimited number of products per product line) makes it easy to estimate sales and related information (Cost of Goods Sold, Gross Profit Margin, and so forth). You can add/edit/remove product lines and products easily throughout all the related worksheets!
Fully automated construction company financials with recurring and specific project estimates. The model includes state-of-the-art financial analysis and all important ratios. The powerful product line and number of products wizard is of course also included in the construction business financial model.
Perfected for monitoring
your financial situation
throughout the year!
As you may expect, fully automated property rental company financial projections with property rental sales estimates with incomparable state-of-the-art financial analysis tools. You can analyze the financials with state-of-the-art analysis tools and stay on top of your financial situation at all times. Automatic calculation of depreciation, loan payments, accounts receivable/payable, inventory, COGS, project details, dividends, company tax, sales tax and a whole lot more.
Perfected for monitoring
your financial situation
throughout the year!
The first and only logistics & warehousing financial model that offers you an incomparable amount of automation, and besides our close-to-reality logistics and warehousing sales estimation of course our product line and products wizard for up to 10 product lines (or market areas) with an unlimited number of products per product line (or market area), as well as our incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered.
Sales estimations for bars is a bit more complicated and requires much more detail to get them close-to-reality. Well, rest assured, the PlanMagic team did it! You can estimates sales as follows: 1) By weekly averages: bar average weekly calculations (bar, terrace and other revenues), cost of goods overview, or 2) By monthly estimates: product details & cost of goods if estimating sales by Monthly Estimates (3 years), you can add/remove products using the products wizard to add unlimited products to the product line (max. 3 product lines f.e. for bar, terrace, party rental). Our award-winning bar financial model provides you with close-to-reality 10-year projections. Naturally our incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered are part of the financial model for bars as well.
Sales estimations for coffee bars is a bit more complicated and requires much more detail to get them close-to-reality. Well, rest assured, the PlanMagic team did it! You can estimates sales as follows: 1) By weekly averages: coffee bar average weekly calculations (bar, terrace and other revenues), cost of goods overview, or 2) By monthly estimates: product details & cost of goods if estimating sales by Monthly Estimates (3 years), you can add/remove products using the products wizard to add unlimited products to the product line (max. 3 product lines f.e. for coffee bar, terrace, party rental). Our award-winning coffeebar financial model provides you with close-to-reality 10-year projections. Naturally our incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered are part of the financial model for coffeebars as well.
PlanMagic Restaurant has the first and only restaurant financial model that offers you an incomparable amount of automation, an incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered, and to estimate revenues, you can choose between extremely detailed estimates by week or month. And of course automatic sequential calculations, automatic ratios, a vast selection of automated charts and a whole lot more.
Close-to-reality 10-year hotel financial projections. All important hotel ratios such as occupancy rate, RevPAR, CostPAR and more. The revenues estimations are done by room types, with multiple rates and can be estimated for low-, mid-, and high season. You'll encounter an incomparable amount of automation. And of course included is the incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered. Automatic sequential calculations, automatic ratios, a vast selection of automated charts and much more.
Close-to-reality 15-year resort (hotel) financial projections. All important resort hotel ratios such as occupancy rate, RevPAR, CostPAR and more. The revenues estimations are done by room types, with multiple rates and can be estimated for low-, mid-, and high season. You'll encounter an incomparable amount of automation. And of course included is the incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered. Automatic sequential calculations, automatic ratios, a vast selection of automated charts and much more. The resort financial model offers more amenities, profit centers, and concessions than the hotel financial model.
Close-to-reality 10-year non profit financial projections. All important non profit related estimations are included such as Grant & Pledges (Exempt revenue), Fundraising, Programs and more. All revenues are divided correctly between for profit and not for profit categories. And of course included is the incredible personnel wizard to add, edit or remove departments, groups and personnel with all details considered. Automatic sequential calculations, automatic ratios, a vast selection of automated charts and much more. The non profit financial model is truly a work of art not to be found anywhere else.